Production Blog

 Good morning bloggers! Eventually I will get a name for you guys. However today we get into the music I want to use for my video. I have been talking about it for some time and have lightly alluded to the problem that it can become. But today is when I'm going to dive deeper. Dive deeper into the problems that are coming up with choosing the perfect song for my video/commercial. My first and most obvious problem was the genre of the song I would be choosing. With my 3 main genres already chosen and then taken down to two one would think this would be easy. However, it wasn't, not even close. Like I was talking about my last blog entry I was aware of many sub genres within my 2 main ones. Especially within rap, so with all the new options it presented an unexpected challenge. However, like always I had a plan to help lessen the options. One of them being choosing the most school appropriate songs I could. This also meant using clean versions of the songs I was considering. If the said song didn't have a clean version, then it wouldn't be in final consideration for my commercial. Secondly, I had to consider if the song would be able to match with the idea of the video I already had in my head. Once I got that out the way the last thing I had to consider was which song represented me the best. After I figured that out I knew I would have the best song for me. Thanks bloggers for reading todays entry see you all next time!


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