Production Blog

 Good evening bloggers! Today I'm coming with a later entry but an entry nonetheless. So with this entry I'll be talking more about actually learning to use the Capcut app itself. Capcut is supposedly the easiest way edit especially on you phone. Thousands of people my age use it daily so it had to be simple right? Wrong a little tip about me I am not the most technologically sound person. Which is interesting in such a technology based society we're in right now. Of course I know the basics of the stuff like how to Microsoft 360 and how to post videos and stuff but editing has always been challenge for me. With this all being said I may be exaggerating as Capcut tried to make it as easy as possible to use their app. The app itself has built in tutorials to make using their app easier. The tutorials helped for sure, they also let me know just how easy it was to use the app. I made sure to follow the basic instructions from the videos and not go to off the rails at first. I made a first video just to see what the video would look like if I tried certain techniques. After that I would make sure to choose the specific techniques that I liked. Using techniques that I liked and things that I was used to made the video making and editing process that much easier. One of my favorite features was the "Fun Type 3D" feature which is basically the font editing feature on the app. It helped me to make the letters match the mood I was going for. Altogether helping to make the editing process that much easier. Anyway thank you for reading my latest entry bloggers and until next time.


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