Reflecting on my commercial

Hey fellow bloggers I am back after a short blog hiatus. In that time I was able to publish my commercial and now I'll be reflecting on it and sharing it with you guys. During this whole ordeal I mastered a skill that I thought was impossible for me, editing. Using CapCut I was able to effortlessly edit my commercial to my liking. If your a loyal blog reader you may remember me talking about how worried I was about this. I also learned how to embed videos a skill I can use forever now. I also learned the process it takes to publish YouTube videos. I was always curious about the process YouTubers took to publish videos and now I have a small taste of it. I learned that planning goes a long way in making publishing your commercial effective. When I had my plan set up the entire process became easier. Something I can do to make this project better is use whatever resources I have available to me. In this case the rubric and my teacher. I also think I could use less procrastination. Although none of my assignments were late more time would allow for me effort and more thoughtful work. Thanks for reading everyone until next time Aj out! 




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