StoryBoard Blog


Scene 1: Aurum on the phone in the car
Scene 2: Aurum Walking along a side walk at night 
Scene 3: Suse and Aurum talking at a table at the park 
Scene 4: Aurum looking extra depressed 
Scene 5: Aurum on bed looking sad and depressed
Scene 6: Tiyana literally back stabbing Aurum 

Scene 7: split screen of Aurum happy with his friends but sad when he's alone 
Scene 8: Group of friends and family partying 
Scene 9: Everyone leaving the party 
Scene 10: Suse walking in the party and having everyone stare at her
Scene 11: Aurum and Suse get into a car 
Scene 12: Aurum holding Suse hand and singing to her 

Story Board For my blog 


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