Technical Difficulties
Hey bloggers! I'm back with another blog. Today we talk about some technical difficulties we faced during the filming and editing process. We spent multiple days filming due to the fact we have such crazy conflicting schedules. With that and the fact that we had so many different clips to edit together. We were certain to run into technical difficulties and other problems. So let's get into the said problems shall we. First I had filmed some clips separately from the group. Meaning I had to send them to Tiyana over text. Usually sending a video isn't a problem however now I was sending about 10 clips of video footage which took a while to send. Then even after all that time waiting some videos ended up not sending and I had to resend them again. On top of all this some of the videos quality went down likely to not being sent over Wi-Fi. So easy fix I just waited to get a good wi-fi connection to resend the clips for Tiyana to be able to edit them. Luckily the actual cameras used for the video were great throughout. The phones proved to be very reliable for the filming process and led to less difficulties making it that much easier. The editing software CapCut had a few glitches for me most likely due to wi-fi. But this just reinforced the reason to leave the editing to the expert Tiyana. Thanks for reading today's blog fellow bloggers. Until next time Aurum out!
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