Title Research: Captain America: The Winter Solider

- What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

The titles displayed are credits mostly. Crediting of directors, actors, producers, costume designers etc. With the main title showing up at the end of the opening sequence. 

- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

Imagery of the U.S. flag and Captain America are prioritized amongst the other plethora of imagery used in the opening sequence. The sequence continuously links all the pictures and imagery to stars of the flag and Captain America's shield. 

- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening sequences?

The film establishes a feeling of the genre by using dark colors and fast paced yet still brooding music. The music and imagery perfectly align to give of that feeling of mystery. The imagery of skulls and tentacles and the parallel between those images and the images of stars and stripes also establish a sense of fear and almost hopelessness. The heroes portrayed are obviously up against a tough opponent that are portrayed to be the exact opposite of them. Further establishing these feelings. 


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