Title Research: Villains
- What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
The titles displayed do not include the main title but rather the credit titles. Things like executive producers and director titles are shown in the opening sequence.
- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The entire opening sequence was wild and psychedelic. Images contorted, collided and exploded everywhere. There wasn't really anything prioritized trumping the others. However the sequence seems to follow our characters who at this point are a couple wearing a pigeon and unicorn mask.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening sequences?
The opening sequence while colorful, wild and expressive is portraying dark imagery. The sequence often showing our couple going through all sorts of trials and tribulations. From being eaten to being stabbed. This type of imagery honestly making confusion, paranoia, and a overwhelming feeling of uncertainty rampant. You really don't know whether to enjoy the colors due to the amount of death shown.
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