Editing going well??? (Prodcution Blog)
Hello bloggers it's me back yet again! Yes you read that title right. Editing is finally going well within our group. From our last blog entry you may have suspected that it would due to our plan. Well if you did you would be correct. It's funny because all our plan really is, is to plan and work through the clips slower. Which is seemingly a new concept for my group. Nevertheless the clips we have, are now able to edited well. While also being able to fit the time criteria for our movie. It finally fees like real progress is being made. It feels like you can almost visualize the final finished product. Of course we still have ways to go. In almost all areas too, we may be able to see the final product but the final product definitely isn't here quite yet. We still have ways to go with editing. If we want this movie to be good we can't skip a beat in this process. The use of CapCut has really come in handy once again in this regard. Using other editing software for our movie proved to be too complicated. We just weren't compatible with it. Weird typing that out as my group and I are usally good with technology. Regardless, we found what works and are now ready to hit the ground running and perfect our movie. Thanks again for tuning in fellow bloggers!. Until next time.
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