Editing dilemma (Production Blog)
Good morning bloggers it's me back again with another blog. Today we get into some of the editing difficulties me and my group faced. Firstly we had a problem of movie clip length. This was a reoccurring problem in our group. The video would always come out too long and we'd have to do more compressing. Or sometimes the video would be too short and we'd add more to it making the video too long. Our main problem here was too much content. And with that content too much length with each individual clip. Like clockwork this problem arose again. Our video became too long based on the assignment rubric. So naturally we began to cut down with some clips. That however didn't work out well due to the fact that we were now missing content. So I came up with the idea that we should re-watch our video and organize clips on importance. The most important being the one closest to the storyboard. Then from there depending on how much time we had, would add more to the video. This ending up working out very well and got us right on time. Thanks again for reading another blog fellow bloggers. And until next time. We'll get into more of the editing events within the group.
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